






its been a while… oops!

ive been thinking about you!! but I haven’t had any energy to talk to you. 

im sorry. 

ive given so much of myself to these past few months of making. ive developed my most meaningful body of work, ive gone out and started performing, ive put on shows– ive been spreading my pussy everywhere. and im proud of myself for doing it. but with that, all that creative expulsion, now inevitably comes the crash. and bitch I have crashed. hard. 

its crazy to think that within these past two weeks of having time off ive slept or laid in bed for like 85% of it. time is so weird, and I can fully just lay down and sleep for the rest of the month, and even though I won’t, I want to, and maybe then ill feel like I have energy again– but whats life without a lil bit of chaos and delirium? 

anywho, ive just come here to say hello once again, complain a bit, and then be on my merry way as I continue to do some admin shit. things are getting updated, im getting more and more glam by the second, the weather is getting more and more gorgeous, and im getting ready to pop my summer pussy all over the gurls. 

until next time….




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